How to Make French Press Coffee
Have you ever tried coffee brewed in a French Press?
French press brewing is not only popular but also a delightful way to make coffee. Picture it: a sunny breakfast table, a newspaper in hand, and your coffee beans brewing in front of you, leading to that perfect, rich cup of coffee.
But is it really that simple?
While using a French Press might be a bit more hands-on than putting ground coffee into a machine and pressing a button, it doesn’t seem especially complicated - and it’s not! However, a few easy tips and tricks will make your French Press brewed coffee even better.
What is a French Press?
A French Press consists of two main parts: the container (usually made of glass, but sometimes made of stainless steel) and the plunger (usually attached to the lid). A French Press may come in many different sizes. Small ones may be labelled as 3-4 cups, but don’t let the size fool you - that’s 3-4 standard cups, which are much smaller than your average mug. A 3-4 cup size French Press makes coffee for 1-2 people.
Why Use a French Press?
The flavor of coffee from a French Press differs significantly from that of pour-over or drip methods. This variance is largely because a French Press allows more of the coffee's natural oils to remain in the brew, unlike paper filters which trap these oils.
When you use a French Press, your coffee is physically filtered by the plunger. You don’t get grounds in your coffee, but the oils remain in your cup.This gives a different - but delicious! - flavour experience.
You can also brew your coffee to your personal preference. Unlike a drip machine, you control how long the coffee grounds steep in the water.
Making the Perfect French Press Coffee
As straightforward as it may seem, you can make your French Press experience even better by following a few simple steps:
Start With Good Quality Water: Water makes up 97% of a cup of coffee. If your tap water tastes good to drink, it’s good to make coffee with. It is best to use cold, freshly poured tap water if you can. If your tap water has a lingering flavour, use natural spring water for best results.
The first thing you’ll need to do is boil the water.
Freshly Ground Beans Are Key: With any method of brewing coffee, it’s always ideal to grind your beans just before brewing. With the French Press method, it’s especially important. The more recently your beans are ground, the better your resulting cup of coffee will be.
It's essential to use coarsely ground coffee to ensure smooth operation of your plunger. Fine grinds can clog the plunger, making it hard to clean and resulting in a cloudy cup of coffee.
Add your freshly ground beans to the French Press. After boiling the water, it's crucial to let it cool for 30 seconds. This step ensures the water is at the ideal temperature for optimal flavor extraction from the beans.
At Aladdin, we’re all about brewing perfection. For the best taste, our experts recommend a specific ratio: precisely 55 grams, or 11 tablespoons, of coffee per liter of water. This ratio has been meticulously tested to ensure a balanced and enjoyable cup every time. If your taste buds crave something stronger, feel free to up the coffee quantity for that extra kick.
Watch It Bloom: When hot water meets coffee grounds, CO2 escapes and expands. This creates a “bloom.” Once this is complete, the coffee grounds are much more receptive to absorbing water, which results in a better extraction of flavours.
In simple terms, mixing coffee with hot water creates the perfect environment for all those delicious, nuanced flavours to develop.
Once your coffee has bloomed, give it a good stir.
Wait: The ideal amount of time for the coffee to brew is four minutes. This is the perfect time to flip casually through your newspaper as you relax and anticipate the amazing cup of coffee you’ll have in just a few minutes’ time.
Plunge Gently: Once the four minutes is up, gently press the plunger down and serve immediately. Don’t let the coffee sit in the French Press for longer; doing so means the coffee will continue to brew and may over-extract, which causes bitterness.
Following these simple steps will give you a delicious cup of coffee every time!
Aladdin’s Roaster’s Choice 2/3 Dark is a blend of snappy, crisp, citrusy, sweet and full-bodied beans that make a delicious, balanced cup of coffee. This perfect morning coffee is bursting with flavours that are sure to please a crowd.
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